Thursday 14 March 2019

The Textile Stories Study Day 2019 - Programme Announced

We are pleased to announce the Programme for our next Textile Stories Study Day:

From the Cradle to the Grave

Saturday 11th May 2019, 9.45am - 3.30pm
The Guildhall, University Centre Shrewsbury, Frankwell Quay, Shrewsbury SY3 8HQ

Tickets: £20.00 including lunch and refreshments

This Textile Stories Study Day will explore textiles in relation to the key ceremonies in human life, from naming ceremonies such as christenings, to weddings and funerals.  How have the garments associated with such ceremonies changed over time?  What sorts of fabrics and colours have been used?  How have these ceremonies been depicted in literature, art and in film?  From the medieval period to the present day, we will consider how conventions have changed and them importance of textiles to these key moments in human life.

The day will involve talks, displays and stalls.  Participants are invited to send copies of their own photographs of naming ceremonies, weddings and funerals in advance for a display.


9.45 - 10.00: Registration. Tea/coffee (Guildhall 026)

10.00 - 11.00: Sarah Thursfield, 'The Trousseau of Isabella of France, 1307'

11.00 - 12.00: Holly Kirby, 'The Costume Collection at Attingham Park: Phases of the 8th Lady Berwick's life as seen through her clothing'

12.00 - 13.00: Lisa Blower (Award-winning Novelist and Short Story Writer), title tbc

13.30 - 14.30: Amanda Ford, 'Grave Concerns: Material Mourning in the Writings of Elizabeth Gaskell'

14.30 - 15.30: Giulia Miller, 'Four Weddings and a Funeral: Costume and Ceremony in Contemporary Film'

This is the seventh Textile Stories Study Day to be organised by the English Department, University of Chester/University Centre Shrewsbury.  It is designed for anyone interested in textiles and their fascinating stories.  For more information contact Professor Deborah Wynne:

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