Thursday 12 December 2013

An Update on the Anniversary Quilt
December 2013

The quilt group decided to have a get-together at the end of term to place all finished (and nearly finished) blocks together on the table, to see how they looked. This would help to show which colours were predominant and to identify aspects of the University's 175 year history not yet represented. The table was a kaleidoscope of colour, texture, fabrics and stitches: it was fun to take a step back and review our achievement!


Of the 25 blocks, 21 have been started, and 6 completed already. Fifteen members of the group attended, admiring each other’s handiwork. Several felt that they would have time during the Christmas holiday to complete their blocks in time for the next meeting, as the weeks leading up to Christmas are so busy. Pat suggested that one of the spare blocks could depict Chester College. Fiona offered to look through old photographs and documents to see if there is anything which could be adapted.

Everyone is looking forward to seeing even more completed blocks at the next meeting in the New Year.

Michelle Spruce has given us an update on her block:

My block will represent Student Life. I have worked for the University for a number of years and have also recently become a student again, starting a postgraduate Masters degree at Chester, so I felt this was quite a fitting theme for my block. I also work in the Academic Quality and Enhancement department where we are focused on maintaining and improving the quality of both academic matters as well as the student experience. Due to the pressures of work and study this year I did leave it a little late starting my block and so (in true student fashion) had a mad dash to meet the deadline for having my block finished!!!


The different colours and patterns of the squares I have used in the background represent the variety of students at the University as well as the increasing internationalisation of the student body, with more collaborative partner organisations abroad. The silhouettes represent some features of ‘student life’. Starting at the top left block these are ‘Friendship’, ‘Studying’, ‘Student finance’, ‘Sport’, ‘Reaching for the stars’, ‘Partying’, ‘Standing up for what you believe in’, ‘Reading your subject’, and ‘Graduating’.

I had originally intended to stitch the silhouettes, however due to time pressures I opted for using transfer paper and fabric paint. I think the effect still works ok though. I’m still trying to decide if I need to add any further embellishments including a possible border. It depends how my design looks when put against the others.

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